Take some time to visit TRC Founding Member David McIntyre’s installation at Greenport Conservation Area, Hudson, before the Autumnal Equinox on Sep 21, or even on the Autumnal Equinox when the sun should align as it sets with the installation’s structure!

Located within walking distance of Hudson, NY, in the heart of the 700-acre Conservation Area, the installation comprises twelve rectangular archways arranged in a nineteen-foot diameter circle. Ten of the arches contain a 48 x 32-inch panel with images on either side. The remaining two arches, arranged along an east-west axis, form the entrance and exit. They will also frame the setting sun on the autumnal equinox; the day the installation closes.
“Approaching the installation, I want visitors to become aware of the distress we are causing Nature and to share vicariously in its suffering, its agony. I want them to hear its cries for help – cries we ignore at our peril. Then, in the stillness of the inner circle – a place where they are both with and within Nature – I hope they sense the mystery at the heart of it all. Because that sensation, that feeling, that’s change happening.”
David McIntyre